Centers for Disease Control & Prevention

How CVPS supports the CDC:

Through Health Surveillance

We service the need for integrated health surveillance across diseases.

Our partnership with Peraton remains at the forefront of using nontraditional data to inform us on health surveillance.

We provide expertise in infectious and chronic diseases nationally and globally.

By Data Management/Analytics

Our data continues to be the driver for health surveillance, PH.

We offer Big Data processing capabilities, analytic tool expertise through SAS Risk Management (SAS, R).

We continue to pioneer open data services and solutions to our customers.

We envision robust, affordable solutions for our customers.

In Global Health Security

We offer advancements in technology and science that point toward tremendous potential for personalized medicine.

Our BISC, IRD and VIPR provide a solid foundation for growing the NG bioinformatics practice.

Our NG Scientists participated in the original human genome map.


Social Security Administration


National Institutes of Health, Academic Institutions